Personal Life Analysis

Personal Life Analysis is a subset of Feng Shui that entails calculations of your date, month, year and time of birth, to provide you with valuable guidance on your life. The calculations can reveal your personal element of life, also known as Bazi. Bazi deals with your temperament, personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc., to help you make informed decisions that are beneficial to your personal and/or professional life.

Selection of Baby Names/Name Analysis

Feng Shui believes that the right name holds great significance in a person’s life as it lays a strong foundation for their future, having influence over aspects including health, academics, career and marriage.
An auspicious baby name can be determined by looking into the child’s Bazi, that takes into consideration the date and time of birth to calculate the configuration of elements unique to the child. The calculations can determine the favourable and non-favourable elements, leading to a streamlined set of characters that provide an auspicious and meaningful name.

Enhancing Marriage Chances/Personal Luck

Feng Shui can help you analyse your chances of luck when it comes to personal life and/or relationships. There are various tips and tricks that Feng Shui can provide you with that can help you better your chances at love and life, depending on your personal life analysis done.